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SMA Perguruan Advent XV Ciracas

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A Journey To Excellence

Penetapan Kelulusan Peserta Didik SMA Perguruan Advent XV TP.2023/2024

Jakarta, May 6, 2024

Dear Class of 2024,

What an incredible journey it has been, and my heartiest congrats to the Senior Class of 2024! Nowadays, we celebrate not as it were your scholastic accomplishments but moreover the fellowships and recollections that you just have made at Ciracas Adventist Academy (CAA), Senior High School!

Your time at CAA is like a woven tapestry, shaped by the bonds together with your friends and direction of your teachers, as you blossomed into the remarkable and resilient individuals that you are today. It has stood you in great stead, preparing you with the abilities and knowledge, not only the worldly knowledge but also heavenly knowledge that you can utilize in pursuing your higher education to come.

I am sure that after you see back within a long time to come, you may cherish these CAA recollections that you just hold beyond a reasonable doubt. As you chart the unused chapter in life, keep in mind that the CAA community will continuously be here to back you. We accept in your potential, your dreams, and your capacity to form a distinction, with a heart for your new community.

As you stated your slogan for your batch “Victory in Jesus”, we do believe that you will succeed in pursuing your dream together with Jesus. Do not forget your alma mater, your teachers, your friends and those persons who supports you in this school. As Paul stated in the book of Romans 8:37 “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

Once again, congratulations on your achievement. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. The journey ahead is yours to forget. God Bless Us.


Sincerely yours,

Principal of CAA Senior High


Rolans L.M. Simbolon, MA.Ed.

SK Kelulusan SMA Perguruan Advent TP.2023/2024


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